Wife and her illegal relationship guy (Person NASTY) are threatening me with my cheque book leaflets.
Me, Wife and Person NASTY are from same village.
In the past me and the Person NASTY had friendship and I had given him money for business and he returned me some money and reinvested this in our business. Things were going smooth until I found out that he is having illegal relationship withy wife and my wife is ok with it.
When I asked them to stop their relationship, now my wife and Person NASTY are threatening me indirectly through my other friends that if am not giving them money, then they will use my blank cheque and file me criminal case against me. I have not signed the cheque but my wife and Person NASTY knows my signature and use it against me.
I don't know what to do now, given they have police influence as well.
Please advise and ask me more questions if my problem is not clear enough.
Thank you experts ğŸ™