My cousin(age 28), an engineer, married in May 2012. The bride is from Asanso(West Bengal)l and he works in Ahmedabad. Prior to marriage she stated she was not willing to live with in-laws at Durgapur, West Bengal, and after marriage they lived in his workplace. In December the father-in-law had to undergo knee transplant and went to his son and problem started brewing. The wife demanded the husband send monthly help to her father or buy LIC policy from him. She bruised and hit the husband and abused the aged in-laws. There was continuous tension and misbehaviour and she wanted to return to her parents.On April 27, 2013 she walked out of the house and summoned her parents. She threatened to send the family behind bars.She has returned to her parental home and till date refused to respond to phone call or letter.
Is there any probability of her slapping a case?Is there anything to be done apart from waiting for her move? We are feeling helpless. Please suggest