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Vasusagar   16 April 2017

Wife want divorce

Dear Expert

Kindly suggest with you valuable opinion.I am giving more details on this. From last 6 years we are not living together. I in outside from my hometown almost for 10 years.I got married in 2010 in hometown which was arranged marriage. After marriage I came back to my job location. One day my Mother found that my wife was taking Tablet. We asked but not disclosed properly. we took him to Local doctor with the tablet and doctor told the tablet is for mensturation problem. She is not getting testosterone hormone due to brain tumour operation happened at 12 years age. we took him another doctor.That doctor also told same thing.I thought I will send her back to her parent house but my guardians told don't do this as you married her you should take her for good doctors. I took her in Cheenai hospital where her parents suggested. Incurred huge money but doctor finally told it is incurable. In the meantime I found some medical papers from her parents where doctor told she will be not be like normal lady. When Chennai doctor asked about why she hide this before marriage she told her mother told her not to disclose.After Chennai she returned to hometown for homeopathy treatment as per her parents. Before coming to hometown she has written that she is going for medical treatment as per her parent advice.She never returned to my house for six years. Last two months back she came to my house taken back her belongings and written a statement that she has taken all the articles at her wish & she has no demand on me for future. After that we have received a court summon about the Divorce wanted by her and she has put allegation about desertion and cruelty and she has requested to the court as no marriage relation exist hence requested for divorce.
I have checked with a lawyer who suggested that the divorce is requested by her. If I do not appear on summon date it will be allowed as per the order/letter in Form No P (5A) of the fast track family court.Due to long separation I don't want to keep this relation with her. Kindly suggest with you expert opinion.       

 7 Replies

Advocate Ram Prasad (Chief Lawyer)     17 April 2017

Oh--Vasu (Maha Vishnu : Intelligence) Sagara (Samudra : Patience),

U know d problem & U also know d solution. what more opinions do u need? Why Ask all ?

R u just a misnomer or really the embodiment of Knowledge & Sahana (patience)? as u claim by ur name??

Having a wife in life is a virtue nd a blessing of God. She being unfortunate on health, u did not show a compassion to console & comfort her nd took to doctors only to cross check ; inspect & investigate & left to her fate for 10 long years, yet she waited nd now left u in dispair to seek an exparte divorce without making flimsy; dirty; shameless; abusive; criminal; etc allegations against u / ur family.

what else d poor women could do? u adamant fellow!

Ask all those husbands all over the net on this & other forum & around u who have been bitten on their buttucks by their wives with all sorts of criminal; civil cases & ruined them with revenge motives. Those whoose male egos that have been draged by rope to courts & tied to stick around to the stincky walls & unpleasent halls from Dawn to Dusk years together; who have now become Chief Legal Consultants to all husbands who have got bitten later than them & u see them posing & advising great legal opinions by their long court experience though not by law qualification. Bcoz they are now simple men turned to Purusha Rakshas & Nari shikshas.

Ask them. ....

Ask them, ........

Ask them their pains dear Vasudeva..

This girl didn’t do any thing of that sort!!.

nd is leaving u with a heavy heart!!!

Only after a jewel is lost,

do u appreciate its value.

She is not losing by leaving u,

its u who is at loss as u dont deserve her.

some deserving man may find her.

Unlike her u may be healthy today but no gaurantee that u will remain healthy for all d time!! No wealth; No children is not at all a problem for the wiseman who has an able, cooperative, caring wife........ dont see her as just a women leaving u, she is ur Griha lakshmi oh Vasudeva, She is ur own fortune oh Samudra, who is now leaving u weeping.....

Ask ur father--

he will tell a 100 short comings in ur mother!!

nd yet still he begotten u why? why didnt he leave her? why dont u ask ur self for a while! Is he a mandabuddhi & u alone is a wiseman born to that mandabudhi who kept his wife inspite of her short comings? whereas you, who could identify only short comings & not other virtues? Show me couple in ur chennai who r a perfect match in every way!!! Hv u any day thought "what can i like in her" than what ur thinking now?

U have some + and some (-)

(as ur father)

same as she also some + nd some (-)

(just as ur mother)

By now u shd be mature enough by age to see things through ur mano netra and not by normal eyes. u compensate her health short coming with ur love & care nd not give a blow by neglect & hatred.

If ur not a mandabuddhi, try to reconcile & bring her back & lead a happy life with a correct mindset no matter u have children or not- due to her hormonal health, u can still adopt a child to fullfill d deficiency BCOZ,  FUTURE DOSENT GAURANTEE A GOOD WIFE TO U AGAIN!!!.

Cry for a while & let the dirty male ego drain away. Dont shatter the hearts of those parents who shd cry for thier daughters ill fate.

A first wife is always the Best wife is my saying & I am trying to touch n evoke ur intellect & patience as in ur name Vasudeva.....




---------Adv Ram Prasad, Cell: +91-91777-22930.

(Deepa Darshanam, Thimira Nashanam.)

Ganesh Nair (Employed)     17 April 2017

Hey Mr. Ram prasad

 first of all you don't have a right to mock vasusagars name his parents lovingly gave. And restrict your answers to legal points and not philosphy.

You have stressed that having a wife is a blessing . Agreed. So is it that you won't take up any divorce case from a husband? May not. But taking up a husbands case is only profitable. Bail for 498 a.  And all that.  But have you not instigated( I mean , advised) any woman to file a  package of cases even after knowing that the woman is at fault?

dont envy the CHIEF LEGAL CONSULTANTS. THEY ARE DOING A BETTER SERVICE HERE.  They give real legal points which" real qualified " people like you may not know or not willing to give for free.

can leave this forum if you don't like. I know your real grouse is that by these free legal advise forums your incomes are reduced considerably.

may be to be successful in your profession you may have to do all those. So don't philosophise. Any free legal advise? Give. Stop it at that. 

 remember, it is mainly because of men who fight injustice you are earning your bread also butter.  You can't have the cake and eat it too.

vasu is not mandhabuddhi and he has his parents as well to advise. Don't take up that additional job for free.

regret to inform you that you have also become like that helping hand. I suspect he has only assumed this new id

Vasusagar   17 April 2017

I understand you are not a professional lawyer, instead of giving opinion you are just mockering. Better you can go to some MATH for giving such type of mis guidance.

A walk alone (-)     17 April 2017

Golden opportunity is on your door. If she want divorce go MCD . if she don't agree MCD then don't attend court . let her divorce become exparte. Because if you opposed her divorce and by chance you win then it's only wastage of your time and money. After that you will file divorce and it will run a decade. Better go MCD

P. Venu (Advocate)     18 April 2017

The solution is evolving in its own course. Now. you have the laxury of going for MCD or the divorce petition decided against you ex-parte! Choose wisely.

stanley (Freedom)     18 April 2017

@ Vausagar 

As you dont want to keep the marriage dont attend the hearings and ex- parte divorce can be granted to her . 

But i apperciate her character as  she has not filed any Dirty cases like Dv and 498 A on you . Sickness can strike any body someday it may be you,me or someone else . There is no Garuantee for that . As a matter of fact you should have been there with her during her bad times . 

Vasusagar   21 April 2017

Thank u for guidance.I also have feeling like u that is why I took her to chennai hospital for her treatment although she & her parent was knowing about no use for treatment. And it wasp remarriage disease. As she is some ones daughter I am also someone's son who has feeling for my this situation. Being human being we should remember I should not do any harm to anybody other than good things. Thanks

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