1.Who can be witnesses to a Will?
- Can the benefactor and the testator be the witnesses for the will ?
2. Also, is there a prescribed format for a Will ?
Neeraj 28 May 2021
1.Who can be witnesses to a Will?
- Can the benefactor and the testator be the witnesses for the will ?
2. Also, is there a prescribed format for a Will ?
Sankaranarayanan (Advocate) 28 May 2021
you can consult local lawyer , the lawyer will give you draft of the will, the witness should be third party and better be young age
kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired)) 28 May 2021
1.Any major with a sound mind can sign as a witness. And the testator/beneficiary cannot sign as a witness. 2. No prescribe formate. But the testator shall mention that he is executing the will with a sound mind and without any pressure. And the Will shall come into force only after his death and he has a right to cancel/revoke/codicil the will. Consult a local Document Writer or a lawyer who drafts the documents.
Neeraj 30 May 2021
Thanks Sir for your response. Incase the benefactor is my wife, can the witnesses be my in-laws?
kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired)) 30 May 2021
yes. They can.