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G.Padmanabhan (Advocate)     12 October 2009

women employees welfare Assn

Can only women employees of a central government industrial organization working in places spread across more than one State organize themselves into a welfare association that can be registered under Trade Unions Act. If so, where should it be registered. If registration only under Societies Act is permissible, where to be registered in the case of employees working in the States of Tamil Nadu and Kerala are to be admitted to membership of the association. Any assistance by members will be highly appreciated.


 2 Replies

Ashish Ovalekar (Manager Legal & Compliance)     21 October 2009

Dear Mr. Padmanabhan,

Have the said organisation regsitered under the Trade Unions Act, with a single registered Office. The Memorandum of the Association, should contain a clause, that any female member working in any central government organisation at any office situated in India, are eligible to become a member of the said association, and shall only be limited to female employees only.

I can give you a glaring example of the Unions of Airlines. The employes of these Airline Company, are based out of various locations in India, but have their base at the registerd Office of the Company.

Maharashtra has got a special statute called as Maharashtra Recognition of Trade Unions and Prevention of Unfair Labour Practice Act. (MRTU & PULP Act). You can get registration sactioned by Court.


G.Padmanabhan (Advocate)     21 October 2009

Thanks, Mr. Shrigopal Soni & Ashish

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