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Women Favoring Laws are used As Legal tool of Extortion

Page no : 7

Originally posted by :hema
L&L warns me

Stop abusing me HEMA..I am not your hubby and so m not bound to tolerate you!...This is the 1st and last alert to you.

L&L and avani both:

stop nonsense.  you are not gods.  your curses will do nothing to me.  you are saitans.  do whatever you like.  you lost cases.  you curse your opposite party.  you curse your own advocate, you curse the opposite advocate, you curse the judge, who gave judgment against you.  nothing happened.  nothing will ever happen.  everyone of them is living happily and peacefully.  because you are neither gods nor good souls but only saitans.  the tone of your posts say, how much  you can stoop.

go to mandir, masjid and gurudwara and pray the god for 24 hours of day and keep on fasting with only one prayer to god - "let hema face section 498-A case, and she be kept in jail for years together, let her meet the death in traffic accident".  nothing will happen to me.  because god will not hear you.  he will stand with the people who stand for justice.  i stand for justice.

you want legal arguments, read my post last night and try to understand.  every piece of legislation in india is misued.  you have no argument for this and only curse as if you are living gods.  remeber you are not gods but saitans.  your threats will not deter me.

ABSOLUTE DISPLAY OF MISUSE OF POWER ON LCI by some one calling herself law officer. A law officer is supposed to make fun of anybody who has lost his case ?


If u DO stand for justice, you would not be accepting the fact that law is being misused and yet ENJOYING the misuse. Infact you are intimidating people that no matter how much you think about God, God cant stop the law misuse and ALL WRONG DOERS are happy and living peacefully ?


HATS OFF TO U ! What a wonderful mockery of law by a so called "law officer". Your defensiveness against law misuse victims clearly proves why and how law is misused against innocents and who all enjoy this insane act against humanity and justice ! At least remove the "law officer" tag from your profile as your words are defaming even the law community !


And look how so proudly some people are saying "no matter what you do, nothing will happen" .. is this a confidence given to you by your power ? And your power allows you to misuse law and make fun of misuse of law ? WONDERFUL POWER PLAY BY A SO CALLED LAW OFFICER

Originally posted by :utpala kaur

One famous privy counsel judge wrote in his autobiography:

if he gives judgment granting maintenance and the text is published in news paper on the next day, he starts to get a lot of anonymous mail cursing him that his wife would leave him and file a suit against him and gets huge maintenance out of his honorarium.  similarly, if he refuses to grant divorce he gets a lot of hate mail.  if he grants divorce even then he gets a lot of mail cursing him that the great God is looking down upon him and he would meet the miserable death.  he always receives curses in his mail, whatever the verdict he hands over in the cases adjudicated by him.  this the same with live and let live.  (s)he does not live or does not allow any one to live.  always curses, curses and curses as the god is his / her cousin brother waiting at his/her door step to obey his/her orders.  may god bless these troubled souls. 


I decided to not write in this thread again.But after reading your post I coiuld not resist myself from saying you



nicely said

and gave a reason to have a gr8 laugh in LCI today...


Good evidence for thought, to be shown to the authorities who are inviting opinion on amendments of some law sections due to misuse. One more point is that "first they misuse law and then they make fun of the system by laughing on this law misuse". And "then they feel proud that no matter how much bad they have done to us, there can be noone to save us".... Absolute misuse of power and mockery of law by the so called WOMEN who are considered aggreived and helped by the authorities !


Fine then, as I said already : "God will do justice ultimately" ! Till then u can keep laughing

Originally posted by :hema
L&L warns me

Stop abusing me HEMA..I am not your hubby and so m not bound to tolerate you!...This is the 1st and last alert to you.

L&L and avani both:

stop nonsense.  you are not gods.  your curses will do nothing to me.  you are saitans.  do whatever you like.  you lost cases.  you curse your opposite party.  you curse your own advocate, you curse the opposite advocate, you curse the judge, who gave judgment against you.  nothing happened.  nothing will ever happen.  everyone of them is living happily and peacefully.  because you are neither gods nor good souls but only saitans.  the tone of your posts say, how much  you can stoop.

go to mandir, masjid and gurudwara and pray the god for 24 hours of day and keep on fasting with only one prayer to god - "let hema face section 498-A case, and she be kept in jail for years together, let her meet the death in traffic accident".  nothing will happen to me.  because god will not hear you.  he will stand with the people who stand for justice.  i stand for justice.

you want legal arguments, read my post last night and try to understand.  every piece of legislation in india is misued.  you have no argument for this and only curse as if you are living gods.  remeber you are not gods but saitans.  your threats will not deter me.

And what gives u so much confidence that you can term everyone else' words nonsense ? Regarding "everyone is living happily and peacefully" ... Are u sure ? Good then, I am sure you are in "delusions of grandeur"


Now laugh your hearts out ! I know what kind of people keep doing that without a reason :)


And BTW as far as I remember, I never said anything about my lawyer. Infact I remember Roshni was mentioning something about her lawyer in some previous post.  From what I could understand, she meant that her lawyer had taken 90 % money at a very early stage ... Am I right ? So, that makes Roshni also wrong in your opinion and whatever u said was actually more applicable to her ? This is bad, you are making fun of women who claim to have been harassed by the system and you are saying that no matter what they say or what they do, they won't get anything ?




What are you doing for the rights of women other than enjoying maintenance orders ? Do you mean that mothers and sisters of a husband should be harassed by anyone and everyone ? So in that case you are just helping wives who are getting monetary gains and you have no concern for mothers and sisters because they are poor ?

Apart from that, instead of helping mothers and sisters, you are infact humiliating these WOMEN. This means that you are not in favour of women but infact you favour the powerful and wealthy


Avani bhaiya...

have a sleeping tablet and sleep well.

It is necessary for u at this moment I feel.Gud nyt.

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Bhaskar for SOCIAL JUSTICE (Legal & Social Activist)     21 May 2011

Dear All,

The article was posted to use against the misuse of law bysending representations to persons in power and not for wasting time in undue arguments.

Please focus on the articel and use it for sending reprentations and dont wasre your time and enrgy in undue arguments.


Originally posted by :utpala kaur
Avani bhaiya...

have a sleeping tablet and sleep well.

It is necessary for u at this moment I feel.Gud nyt.

This is what happens to the so called "WOMENS' RIGHTS DEFENDERS" when they are made accountable !

priya (student)     23 May 2011

pleasae consider my grief..a wicked woman is treachering our family...



U have a common problem that many women in India have.In this case you can't only blame that cunning woman.Equally your father is also responsible becoz if he could not care of your mother and kids how you expect that lady would think about you?

    She can not claim residence or maintenance as her relation does not come into the ambit of Live-in relationship given by legally you and mother is safe from her.If  she would have a child then it would have right in your father's propery.

But, as your father had husband-wife like relations with her,so he should do something for her livilihood on humanitarian ground and make her agree to stay away from your life.

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Adultary law has made Indian wife a property of the husband.So they can do anything with unmarried girls and unmarried girls are protected even after ruining a married woman's life and family.

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Our feminists are confused.First they fought for years,defending the rights of wives.But they never tried to bring about amendments in adultery law,so that the wife could sue her husband and his lover together.


Surprisingly now, these feminists have started fighting for the "so called rights" of "other women" who knowingly have affairs with married men.They themselves spilled water on all their efforts made for bringing peace of mind to a hapless wife who was abused in marriage,as if the "other woman" is not causing her abuse.

These feminists are indirectly giving a green signal to extramarital affairs by granting other women rights,who have already broken a marriage.They indirectly make the men believe that there's nothing wrong if they have another woman.Rather she's as respectable as the wife,and that she has rights too.Don't such acts of giving "rights" to other woman hurt an already shattered wife?Will she actually praise all these efforts of feminists?


Slowly feminists are making the Indian society bigamous by promoting the old maharajas culture,where the rajas used to enjoy with 2-4 wives.

In the end they cry that men treat women as dirt and as s*x objects.


But who's giving them the opportunity?


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I can't see real unity in women.Not even in families,especially joint families.They start off initially in unity,but end up digging their own graves.Typical example-Standing up against s*xual harassment in workplaces,but also supporting actresses who expose themselves.Double faced!


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Yeah, its impossible to find unity in women when WIVES torture and misuse the mothers as sisters to blackmail their hubbies. They trap the sisters to ruin the possibility of their getting married and to jeopardize their career. Through their representatives, they convey messeges such as "if you dont settle with high amounts of money soon, your sisters will become jobless due to years of litigations and will not be able to get married"...

But once these sisters get ruined completely, law misusers will not be spared either.

If you torture moms and sisters, you will not get any support from women ever, as with every such case filed, there are multiple women ruined to include mothers, sisters, cousins, devranis, jethanis and even distant aunts.

If you dont have a brother and so you are walking proudly and confidently, be ware as you can still be one of these relations.

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