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bharath (a)     22 July 2013

Women property right

Hello Sir,

My father had bought a ancestor property in 1994 from 4 brothers and 2 sisters. They have received the entire amount and  all 6 have signed on the sale deed document. Same thing has been  court degreed by 4 brothers but not 2 sisters.
My father got expired on 2003. Now the 2 sisters have filed a case on there entire ancestor property which includes the land which was bought by my father.

Will they still have right on the property which is bought by my father as they have signed on the sale deed document.


 1 Replies

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     22 July 2013

is the sale deed registered? they both executed the sale deed, and received amount as per your query. so they have no right to claim. this is for information.

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