I am a full time phd student funded by central government agency(like UGC).I got an offer from a corporate college to teach for 2 hours a day and the remuneration is ten times the fellowship amount i receive as a student.I want to work for them but cant convert my phd to part-time as the university academic ordinances prescribe a 2 year full-time period to convert it to part-time.
I am planning to submit a resignation for central-agency funding and not interested in university funding. 1.If i didnt recieve any funding from Central govt or University,am I allowed to work?
I need to pay tax as my salary per month is around 3 lac. 2.As a student if i pay such a big amount as tax,will it create any problems?
As I had moral constraints, i want to work legally. 3.Is it illegal to work even if i dont receive any fellowship/scholarship from government?4. is working 2 hours per day considered as part-time work?