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Pilix   29 October 2015

Wrong information in marriage

Hi Sir,

I need an urgent advise , please advise me.  I have got married newly with a girl .The girl and their parents said before marriage that girl have IT job experience and job is in hold although currently not working they have given us some fake job joining letter. But after marriage I came to know that her whole expereince of IT job is fake and she doesn't hold any offer. When I found her guilty and asked her strictly , she went back to her hometown with her parents on the fourth day after marriage .and not communicated with us from then. It happened three weeks ago. We havent gone any intercourse for the three days which I spent with her after marriage.

I came to know that she and her parents has cheated in many other things.  I just want to leave her and dont want to continue life.. Please let me know how I can get divorce from her as I and my family were misguided by them with their fake words. Also please let me know the scope of 498 in my case and how I can get rid of it.




 9 Replies

SuperHero (Manager)     30 October 2015

Agreed – They have cheated on you. Trust is a very important factor in married life. 
Once it is broken it is difficult to regain back.

But remember there are lot of opportunities where she can improve her skills and get an IT job if she has confidence and you can help her.

If her Parents has just transferred you the responsibility then the real game begins.

What it is called as Blame Game.

You should apply for annulment not divorce, since the marriage hasn't been conusmated?

Why didn't the marriage get consumated such kind of questions should be answered by you??

If you apply for it, the other party has to accept it. If not they might file cases such as DV, 498a and so on.
Then you people will be roaming around courts and lawyers office.
Think all your options and act wisely.

The GAME just started...

Pilix   30 October 2015

I can confirm that marriage has not been conusmated since girl is afraid of having intercourse. I am confident she might not get IT job anywhere as she doesn't have experience and skills at all. If I apply for annulment how can I prove that marriage is not consummated ? What is the maximun period in which marriage should be conusmated according to law? When can I apply for annulment

sandykrish (Interested in Family LAW)     30 October 2015

The above grounds will not fit in for marriage annulment. I'm afraid the only way you can do this is proving your wife is impotent. So better negotiate through elders go for Mutual Consent Divorce.

Pilix   30 October 2015

Thanks Krish. Please give me full details how can I prove girl is impotent. What are the requirements for this petition?


Lagta he oopar ke do advice tumko samaz mein nahi aaya. MCD lele.  Thats the only option for you, proving impotence is not easy and it will be a futile exercise and you will easily lose 10 years getting divorced.

Best is MCD or you bring her back have se x with her even if she does not want,let her bite the forbidden frruit, she start asking it over and again.  Its matter of first bite thats all.  Fuc k her and take revenge daily for the cheating she and her parents did to you.  NO need to pay allimony, no need to roam court ! Think and act !

Ompal Aggarwal (Advocate)     30 October 2015

Reasons for annulment of marriage r difficult to prove and 4 filling divorce petition u have to wait 4 at least one year. Better insteated of thinking about divorce think about how tosave ur marriage.otherwise u lose ur 6-7 years in roaming around court

Ompal Aggarwal (Advocate)     30 October 2015

Reasons for annulment of marriage r difficult to prove and 4 filling divorce petition u have to wait 4 at least one year. Better insteated of thinking about divorce think about how tosave ur marriage.otherwise u lose ur 6-7 years in roaming around court


Have U married for the sake of her job or U wanted a life partner? Why would she leave her matrimonial home immediately unless something has happened?Annulment,want to prove the girl impotent,anticipating 498A gives rise to lot of doubts about UR sincere query.Beware that U can be dragged into many criminal cases by the girl,if U don't reconcile and bring her back.The grounds U mentioned are not fit for divorce of any kind.

SuperHero (Manager)     30 October 2015

@Pilix - I hope you have understood the consequences of whats going on in your life.

In Today's world, getting married is a big task and again going for Divorce is an extremely difficult thing roaming around courts and lawyers.

Getting married second time is another big humongous task.

Atleast if you roam around temple or go to church you will get some peace.

Going Divorce should be done after making all attempts....putting 100%.into it...

Have minimum expectations and Live Life Happily.....

If Money Lost, Nothing is Lost.

If Health Lost, Something is Lost.

If Time Lost, Everything is Lost.

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