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C S Verma (ASM)     06 August 2013

Wrong termination and forcing for resignation

I am working as a ASM with a indian  MNC product based  Company. After almost 1 year of service and i am confirm employee , the company forcing me to give resignation on letter otherwise company going to terminated me without any reason for 1 month notice period (but mentioning in offer letter after confirmation the notice period for two months).The question here is has the case of mental harassment  Isnt this a case of arm twisting tactics by the company in order to force employees to submission resignation letter with unfair practices ? I am the only bread winner of the family with 3  dependents If the employee doesn’t earn for self and family , there will be a question of survival, it is possible to fight for my right and justice.

I request the expert panel to submit their valuable comments on this case.



C S Verma

 4 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     06 August 2013


You are in which state? The redg. Office/HO of the company is in which state?

 Does the company have its certified standing orders and has it extended these to your designation?



You have posted that:


---------“ I am the only bread winner of the family with 3  dependents If the employee doesn’t earn for self and family , there will be a question of survival, ‘


Firm up your next venture AS AP.


The company thru its line managers/HR is putting you on alert…………………..


Employee should apply rapport, goodwill, exceptional levels of negotiation, reasoning, persuasion, persistence skills……………………………….and resolve the matter in his favor.


Buy time and company may agree till you firm up your next venture.


Many of the employers do not want bad publicity, litigation………………………….and even agree to allow to remain at home and extend date of termination/resignation thus separation and issue relieving letter accordingly……………………….


Explore the possibilities………………


-------“ the company forcing me to give resignation on letter otherwise company going to terminated me without any reason”


Employee should record such transactions (audio/visual) and keep witness/evidence……………….


Coercing, forcing, pressurizing the employee to write his own termination, extracting resignation with force can be termed offence………………….Your lawyer may advice that you can lodge criminal complaint against offenders by name…………..



--------“ Isnt this a case of arm twisting tactics by the company in order to force employees to submission resignation letter with unfair practices ?”


What exactly is the reason for termination? You alone would know it better than any one else.


Do you want termination order?


If you are not able to prove in court of law that you are covered as ‘Workman’ as in ID Act or for that matter as ‘Employee’ as in Shops and Establishments Act of the state you may not get the award of reinstatement with full back wages…………………………….


In case of civil suite such an award of reinstatement is discretion of the court and looking into the trends it may look like a distant dream……………………………and the matter may get restricted to civil suit for damages……………..



The company shall scream for ‘Specific Relief Act’……………………….Master-Servant Relationship……………………..and that personal contract of service can not be enforced in court of law……………………………jurisdiction of courts exclusively as Redg. office of the company/as inserted in appointment letter…………………………………….


Litigation can be stressful…………………………for many employees…………………..lengthy………..


---------Employee should keep on adding to his qualification, skills, experience and attempt to cross floors…………………………… assets, deposits and be prepared to venture into something of his own too if the situation demands it.


--------“ it is possible to fight for my right and justice.’


You may approach a competent and experienced labor consultant/service lawyer.

You lawyer may ask you a set of structured questions and can opine that you would be covered under ID Act, Shops and Establishments Act, statue………………………..or not.

The employee covered by such enactments would be covered up to that extent……………………..


Or the extent of relief may depend upon appointment letter……………………………….contract of employment……………….



Although courts have issued stern comments in judgments on ‘Rowdism’ ‘Termination Simpliciter’ { Bhanwarlal And Ors. vs Rajasthan State Road Transport…}


do not get tempted…………………




The company would be happy to ease out the employee it want to discharge by any means …………………………….


The employee should be wise enough………………………………to defend his interest in the best possible maner……………..


  and should not get dumped in lengthy court matters………………….


You may weigh the pros and cons……………………and take a qualified decision.


The termination without any reason/inquiry………………….may prove to be a bad order.

 If you decide to agitate do your home work and seek a lawyer's opinion.......................... 


Let your lawyer’s opinion that has seen all of your docs and has analyzed the merits be final.


Valuable advice of learned experts/members is sought.




Attached File : 97557988 rowdiness of boss.doc downloaded: 155 times

C S Verma (ASM)     10 August 2013

As information  required by you i submit details  are as under:-

I am from MADHYA PRADESH State, and Regd. office and H.o. situated in Mumbai in Maharashtra state.

Company CEO sent me warning mail on 05/07/2013. and HR also repeat same mail on 06/07/2013.

With regards.

CS Verma


Kumar Doab (FIN)     12 August 2013

Has your services been confirmed in writing?

If you are confirmed in service and notice period stated in appointment letter issued to you is 2 months……………… is a committement and it shall apply.

If company wants to terminate you it can, who can stop an adamant and recalcitrant employer? If you want to agitate the burden of litigation shall be shifted on you.

However company should grant an opportunity of hearing, if it alleging some misconduct.

What is stated in email by CEO/HR?

Approach a competent and experienced labor consultant/service lawyer, show the appointment letter, standing orders of the company, warning email, any other communication on record that is relevant to your case, give inputs in person, understand the merits, and proceed under expert advice of your lawyer.

In addition to the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, several states also provide for compliances under the Shops & Establishment Acts, Standing Orders Act, the employee that falls within the definition which has been provided under these enactments, would be protected up to that extent.

In absence of coverage under the said workman related enactments, letter of appointment, employment agreement and service rules need to be referred to.

Your lawyer may ask you a set of structured questions and can opine that you would be covered as ‘workman’ as in ID Act ‘Employee’ as in Shops and Establishments Act of the state or not?

If you are not covered the appointment letter/contract of employment, service rules may be referred to.

If you are not covered in case of termination you may agitate by civil suit for damages. The reinstatement may be a distant dream in civil suit. Although you may get to know that reinstatement is discretion of the court depending upon if the order of termination is bad, no proper process was followed, no opportunity of proper hearing, natural justice was given……………………………….still it is reiterated that the reinstatement may be a distant dream in civil suit……………………………..!!!!!

The company shall scream for jurisdiction of courts………………………at its location of redg. office………………as agreed upon in appointment letter……………………

We have come across two cases recently where the civil court has returned the plaint

(After almost 3 years) and advised to file at location of jurisdictional courts as agreed upon in appointment letter. Now the option is to approach HC or to file at jurisdictional courts as agreed upon in appointment letter.

Before you get tempted consult your lawyer.

The CEO/HR are offering notice pay of 1 month as disguised amicable settlement and are hinting that for 2M you may approach courts………………….waste your youth, money and time……………………….


Firm up your next venture As Ap……………….

Rest is up to you.

You may proceed as deemed fit at your end.





Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     14 August 2013

As usual Mr Doab has eleborated the matter well.

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