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Right to cross examine the witness called by court

  30 July 2008       Share Bookmark

Court :
Supreme Court
Brief :
If a witness called by the court gives evidence against the complainant, he should be allowed an opportunity to cross-examine. The right to cross-examine a witness who is called by a court arises not under the provisions of Section 311, but under the Evidence Act which gives a party the right to cross-examine a witness who is not his own witness. Since a witness summoned by the court could not be termed a witness of any particular party, the court should give the right of cross-examination to the complainant
Citation :
Not yet reported



(Arising out of S.L.P. (Crl.) No. 6396 of 2006)

Godrej Pacific Tech. Ltd. ...Appellant


Computer Joint India Ltd. ...



1. Leave granted.

2. Challenge in this appeal is to the judgment of a learned

Single Judge of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, rejecting

the petition filed by the appellant. Before the High Court

challenge was to the order passed by the learned Judicial

Magistrate, Chandigarh, rejecting the application of the


appellant seeking re-examination of the witnesses already

examined in terms of Section 311 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure, 1973 (in short `Code').

3. The application was rejected by the Trial Court primary

on the ground that the complaint was filed on 19.12.1996.

The evidence was closed on 11.3.2004. Under Section 313

Cr.P.C. examination was over on 12.7.2004. The High Court

concurred with the view of the Trial Court.

4. In support of the appeal learned counsel for the

appellant submitted that the examination in chief of the

witness Shri Deepak Jotshi was done on 29.7.2003. On that

particular date, the counsel for the accused had taken an

objection that the applicants counsel was asking misleading

questions. Hence the trial Court had directed the witness to

give his statement and as a layman, he gave his statement.

But inadvertently he had not proved the relevant documents

i.e. cheques, cheque returning memos, legal notice, courier

receipt, letter from complainant bank, whereas, some of the


above said documents had already been proved by other

witness, other than the complainant.

5. Learned counsel for the respondents supported orders of

the court below.

6. In this context, reference may be made to Section 311 of

the Criminal Procedure Code which reads as follows:

"311. Power to summon material witness, or
examine person present.--Any court may, at
any stage of any inquiry, trial or other
proceeding under this Code, summon any
person as a witness, or examine any person in
attendance, though not summoned as a
witness, or recall and re-examine any person
already examined; and the court shall
summon and examine or recall and re-
examine any such person if his evidence
appears to it to be essential to the just
decision of the case."

7. The section is manifestly in two parts. Whereas the word

used in the first part is "may", the second part uses "shall". In

consequence, the first part gives purely discretionary

authority to a criminal court and enables it at any stage of an


enquiry, trial or proceeding under the Code (a) to summon

anyone as a witness, or (b) to examine any person present in

the court, or (c) to recall and re-examine any person whose

evidence has already been recorded. On the other hand, the

second part is mandatory and compels the court to take any of

the aforementioned steps if the new evidence appears to it

essential to the just decision of the case. This is a

supplementary provision enabling, and in certain

circumstances imposing on the court the duty of examining a

material witness who would not be otherwise brought before

it. It is couched in the widest possible terms and calls for no

limitation, either with regard to the stage at which the powers

of the court should be exercised, or with regard to the manner

in which it should be exercised. It is not only the prerogative

but also the plain duty of a court to examine such of those

witnesses as it considers absolutely necessary for doing

justice between the State and the subject. There is a duty cast

upon the court to arrive at the truth by all lawful means and

one of such means is the examination of witnesses of its own

accord when for certain obvious reasons either party is not


prepared to call witnesses who are known to be in a position

to speak important relevant facts.

8. The object underlying Section 311 of the Code is that

there may not be failure of justice on account of mistake of

either party in bringing the valuable evidence on record or

leaving ambiguity in the statements of the witnesses examined

from either side. The determinative factor is whether it is

essential to the just decision of the case. The section is not

limited only for the benefit of the accused, and it will not be an

improper exercise of the powers of the court to summon a

witness under the section merely because the evidence

supports the case of the prosecution and not that of the

accused. The section is a general section which applies to all

proceedings, enquiries and trials under the Code and

empowers the Magistrate to issue summons to any witness at

any stage of such proceedings, trial or enquiry. In Section 311

the significant expression that occurs is "at any stage of any

inquiry or trial or other proceeding under this Code". It is,

however, to be borne in mind that whereas the section confers


a very wide power on the court on summoning witnesses, the

discretion conferred is to be exercised judiciously, as the wider

the power the greater is the necessity for application of judicial


9. As indicated above, the section is wholly discretionary.

The second part of it imposes upon the Magistrate an

obligation: it is, that the court shall summon and examine all

persons whose evidence appears to be essential to the just

decision of the case. It is a cardinal rule in the law of evidence

that the best available evidence should be brought before the

court. Sections 60, 64 and 91 of the Evidence Act, 1872 (in

short "the Evidence Act") are based on this rule. The court is

not empowered under the provisions of the Code to compel

either the prosecution or the defence to examine any

particular witness or witnesses on their side. This must be left

to the parties. But in weighing the evidence, the court can

take note of the fact that the best available evidence has not

been given, and can draw an adverse inference. The court will

often have to depend on intercepted allegations made by the


parties, or on inconclusive inference from facts elicited in the

evidence. In such cases, the court has to act under the second

part of the section. Sometimes the examination of witnesses

as directed by the court may result in what is thought to be

"filling of loopholes". That is purely a subsidiary factor and

cannot be taken into account. Whether the new evidence is

essential or not must of course depend on the facts of each

case, and has to be determined by the Presiding Judge.

10. The object of Section 311 is to bring on record evidence

not only from the point of view of the accused and the

prosecution but also from the point of view of the orderly

society. If a witness called by the court gives evidence

against the complainant, he should be allowed an

opportunity to cross-examine. The right to cross-examine

a witness who is called by a court arises not under the

provisions of Section 311, but under the Evidence Act

which gives a party the right to cross-examine a witness

who is not his own witness. Since a witness summoned


by the court could not be termed a witness of any

particular party, the court should give the right of cross-

examination to the complainant. These aspects were

highlighted in Jamatraj Kewalji Govani v. State of

Maharashtra (1967 (3) SCR 415).

11. The above position was highlighted in Zahira Habibullah

Sheikh & Anr. v. State of Gujarat & Ors. [(2006) 3 SCC 374].

12. In the background facts of the case we are of the view

that the trial court ought to have permitted the prayer of the

appellant. That being so, the rejection of the prayer by trial

court was not proper and the High Court should not have

declined to interfere.

12. The appeal is allowed. The Trial Court shall fix a date

within three months and call the witnesses in question and

accord opportunity to the accused persons and thereafter

proceed with the trial.




New Delhi,
July 30, 2008


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Published in Criminal Law
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