V Sudhindranath ( Proprietor )
Bangalore, Karnataka
Specialization : Practicing in Tax Matters
VANI H ( propritrix )
Bangalore, Karnataka
Specialization : taxation, civil litigation, Divorce, house rent cases, service matters, arbitration, contracts, consumer
jayapalan.a ( Retired Income-tax Officer )
Bangalore, Karnataka
Specialization : Incometax, Wealthtax, Gift tax
B S Guru Raj ( Lawyer )
Bangalore, Karnataka
Specialization : Practised as a Company Secretary from 1982 till 31.3.2010
Santhosh ( Associate )
Bangalore, Karnataka
Specialization : Civil and Criminal, Divorce, Domestic Violance, Labour, Accident, IPR, Cyber Crime etc..
Rajesh Vellakkat ( Founder )
Bangalore, Karnataka
Specialization : Intellectual property rights and Company law
Rajesh Vellakkat ( Founder )
Bangalore, Karnataka
Specialization : Intellectual property rights and Company law
Bangalore, Karnataka
Specialization : Civil, Criminal, Matrimonial, banking and Company Law