WHAT IS THIS CASE ABOUT The Punjab National Bank (PNB) approved a term loan to M/s Superrugs (India) Pvt. Once the loan became irregular, a recovery suit was initiated by the PNB against its guarantors and borrowers. PNB later instituted execution pr ..
WHAT IS THIS CASE ABOUT D. Dwarakanadha Reddy (respondent No.3) was a preventive officer who joined the customs department in 1993. He got promoted to the appraiser of the department in January 2003. Due to the disproportionate assets of the accused, ..
WHAT IS THIS CASE ABOUTHaryana Utilities are licensees that undertake the distribution and supply of electricity to consumers in Haryana. They entered into 2 Power Purchase Agreements with The Adani Power Mundra Limited (AP(M)L) in 2008. The PPAs wer ..
WHAT IS THIS CASE ABOUT Adani Power Maharashtra Limited (APML) and Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company (MSEDCL) had entered into 4 Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). However, the Ministry of Coal introduced the New Coal Distribution Poli ..
WHAT IS THIS CASE ABOUT The State of Rajasthan allotted approximately 271.39 acres of land to J.K. Synthetics Ltd in the Large-Scale Industrial Area, Kota (“LIA, Kota”). Following this, a deed was entered between the JKSL and the Collecto ..
SLIDE 1In India, marriage is regarded as a holy union or sacrament solely between a biological man and a woman. The rights of the LGBTQIA+ community in India are still up for questioning and their right to get legally married is currently being quest ..
WHO IS ANAND MOHAN SINGH? Anand Mohan, also popularly known as ‘Bahubali‘ Anand Mohan Singh is the grandson of Indian freedom fighter Ram Bahadur Singh Tomar. Hailing from the Kosi region, he is a prominent leader of Rajputs as well as Br ..
What is the case about? The Miscellaneous Application is filed by the appellant to seek clarification for the order and judgement of SC dated 12.05.2022 wherein the court upheld the judgement passed by the High Court of Bombay.The HC in its judgement ..
What is the case about?An appeal was filed against the judgement and order passed by the High Court of Madhya Pradesh.Execution application was made by the appellant on 17.07.1995In the judgement, HC dismissed the revision petition on the ground that ..
What is the case about?The appellant is one of the accused among six others for alleged offences under Section 406,407,415 to 420, 120B read with Section 34 of IPC.The accused gave services to a company called Farmax India Limited in raising Global D ..