Secretary-General, All India Jain Minority Forum, New Delhi,
Ex-Member, Media Expert Committee, Govt. of India,
Ex- Member, Maharashtra State Minority Commission, Govt.of Maharashtra,
Ex-President, National Society for Prevention of Heart Disease &
Co-Author: JAINISM (Macmillan Co 1974). with Colette Caillat, (Member
Institut de France, Paris,) & A.N.Upadhye, (ex-President, All-India Oriental
Conference,), Author:Jaya Gommatesa! Foreword by C.Caillat, Published by
Hindi Granth Karyalay Mumbai,2006, Jainism: An Eternal Pilgrimage By Bal
Patil, Edited by Manish Modi and Tony Whittington, Published by Hindi Granth
Karyalay Mumbai,)Pandit Nathuram Premi Research Volume 23 2008, My
translation of Dr.Alsdorf's French Les Etudes Jaina, Etat Present et Taches
Futures is edited by Dr.Willem Bollee as Jaina Studies: Their Present State
and Future Tasks and published by ((Hindi Granth Karyalay Mumbai,) My
translation of Dr.L. Alsdorf's German Beitraege zur Geschichte von
Vegetarismus und Rinderverehrung in Indien-(History of Vegetarianism and Cow
Worship in India) is presently being edited for publication (Routledge,
London) by Dr. Bollee, Indologist. Participant and speaker in the 7th Jaina
Studies Workshop on Jaina Law and Jaina Community, Centre for Jaina Studies,
SOAS, University of London, & Dept of Indic Religion, Centre for Theology
and Religious Studies, University of Lund. Participated and presented a
paper on the Evolution of Sramanic Jain Tradition and Its Impact on Indic
Civilisation & Religious Fundamentalism in the XIXth World Congress of the
International Association for the History of Religion, Tokyo, Japan, 2005.
Author: Supreme Court's volte face on Constitutional Amendment(Published by
Govt. of Maharashtra, 1980)
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