Javed Alam khan
S/O Mr. Ziaul Haque khan
Address: Road No-12 .Cross No-5, H.No.15, Jawaharnagar, Mango P.O –Azadnagar, Mango Town-Jamshedpur, Dist. Singhbhum East, Jharkhand, Pin code-832110.
E-mail address:-
Marital status: Married.
Academic Qualification:
B.Sc , LL.b from Ranchi University.
Enrollment No. : 564/1994 dated 07th march 1994 from Patna High Court.
Practicing at Dist. Civil Court, Jamshedpur as a advocate since 09/3/1994 till today and appointed as Mediator at Nayay Sadan in Civil Court Jamshedpur and able to conduct and draft civil; revenue; and criminal cases independently and having experience of drafting of all kinds of deeds of civil nature and ability to handle any situation inside the court.
Specialization :
Conducting and drafting Civil, Criminal , consumer and Revenue cases independently in the court and having skill of drafting any kinds of deeds, contract, vetting of documents, scrutiny of title deed of immovable property, notices and agreement purporting to land, insurance and bank e.t.c.
Hobby : Reading and collecting new books.
Javed Alam Khan
Contact No.(M)9431347327 & 7909087126
Place: Jamshedpur Date: 02-06-2023
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