Registration Act,1908
Act No : 16
Section :
Absence of Registrar or vacancy in his office.
10. Absence of Registrar or vacancy in his office.-(1) When anyRegistrar, other than the Registrar of a district including apresidency-town, is absent otherwise than on duty in his district, orwhen his office is temporarily vacant, any person whom the Inspector-General appoints in this behalf, or, in default of such appointment,the Judge of the District Court within the local limits of whosejurisdiction the Registrar's office is situate, shall be the Registrarduring such absence or until the State Government fills up thevacancy. (2) When the registrar of a district including a presidency-townis absent otherwise than on duty in his district, or when his officeis temporarily vacant, any person whom the Inspector-General appointsin this behalf shall be the Registrar during such absence, or untilthe State Government fills up the vacancy.