Hackney-carriage Act,1879
Act No : 14
Section :
Application of Act to municipalities.
3. Application of Act to municipalities.- 3[The State Government concerned may, by notification in the Official Gazette, apply this Act to any municipalities in Uttar Pradesh, 4[Punjab as it existed immediately before the 1st November, 1956], the Central Provinces, Assam, Ajmer or Coorg.] Power of committees to make rules.-When this Act has been so applied to any municipality, the committee of such municipality may, from time to time, make rules for the regulation and control of hackney-carriages within the limits of such municipality, in the manner in which, under the law for the time being in force, it makes rules or bye-laws for the regulation and control of other matters within such limits. Confirmation and publication of rules.-Every rule made under this section shall, when confirmed by the 5[Commissioner] and published for such time and in such, manner as the [Commissioner] may, from time to time, prescribe, have the force of law: Power of Commissioner to rescind rules. Provided that the 5 [Commissioner] may at anytime, rescind any such rule.