Cantonments Act,2006
Act No : 41
Section :
Construction of and control of drains and sewage collection and disposal works.
210. Construction of and control of drains and sewage collection and disposal works. - (1) All cantonment drains, all sewage collection and all works, materials and things appertaining thereto shall be under the control of the Board.(2) The Chief Executive Officer shall maintain and keep in repair all cantonment drains and sewage collection and sewage disposal works when authorised by the Board. (3) The Board shall construct as many new drains and sewage collection and sewage disposal works as may from time to time be necessary for effectual drainage and sewage collection.(4) The Board shall ensure that the sewage effluents are treated in accordance with the norms laid down under the relevant laws relating to pollution before it is dispersed into a river, stream, lake or open land.
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