Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act,2002
Act No : 39
Section :
Conversion of a co-operative society into a multi-State co-operativesociety.
22. Conversion of a co-operative society into a multi-State co-operative society.-(1) A co-operative society may, by an amendment of its bye-laws, extend its jurisdiction and convert itself into a multi-State co-operative society: Provided that no such amendment of bye-laws of a co-operative society shall be valid unless it has been registered by the Central Registrar. (2) (a) Every proposal for such amendment of bye-laws shall be forwarded to the Central Registrar in accordance with the provisions contained in sub-section (4) of section 11. (b) If the Central Registrar, after consulting the Registrars of Co-operative Societies of the States concerned, has satisfied himself that such amendment- (i) fulfils the requirements of the members being from more than one State; (ii) is in accordance with the provisions contained in sub-section (4) of section11, he may register the amendment within a period of six months from the date of receipt thereof by him: Provided that no co-operative society shall be deemed to have been converted into a multi-State co-operative society on any ground whatsoever unless such society is registered as a multi-State co-operative society. (3) The Central Registrar shall forward to the co-operative society a copy of the registered amendment together with a certificate signed by him and such certificate shall be conclusive evidence that the amendment has been registered. (4) Where the Central Registrar refuses to register an amendment of the bye-laws of a co-operative society, he shall communicate the order of refusal together with the reasons therefor to the society in the manner prescribed within seven days from the da e of refusal. (5) (a) Once the amendment of bye-laws has been registered by the Central Registrar, the co-operative society shall, as from the date of registration of amendment, become a multi-State co-operative society. (b) The Central Registrar shall forward to the co-operative society a certificate signed by him to the effect that such society has been registered as a multi-State co-operative society under this Act and also forward a copy of the same to the Registrar f Co-operative Societies of the State concerned. (c) The Registrar of Co-operative Societies referred to in clause (b) shall thereupon make an order directing that the society had, as from the date of registration by the Central Registrar, ceased to be a society under the law relating to co-operative s cieties in force in that State.