Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act,1963
Act No : 22
Section :
2. Definitions. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-- 2*[(a) "adjudicating authority" means the authority specified in, or under, section 10K; (ab) "Appellate authority" means the Appellate authority referred to in section 10M;] 2*[(ac)] "Council" means the Export Inspection Council established under section 3; (b) "export", with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions, means taking out of India to a place outside India; (c) "inspection", in relation to a commodity, means the process of determining whether a batch of goods in that commodity complies with the standard specifications applicable to it or any other specifications stipulated in the export contract generally by inspecting either the whole batch or a selected sample or samples which purport to represent the whole batch; (d) "notified commodity" means any commodity notified under clause (a) of section 6; (e) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act; (f) "quality control" means any activity having for its object the determination of the quality of a commodity (whether during the process of manufacture or production or --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1st January, 1964; vide Notification No. S. O. 3604, dated 30-12- 1963, Gazette of India, Extraordinary, 1963, Pt. II, Sec. 3(ii), p. 895. 2 Re-lettered & Ins. by Act 40 of 1984, s. 2 (w.e.f. 2-7-1984). 66 subsequently) in order to ascertain whether it satisfies the standard specifications applicable to it or any other specifications stipulated in the export contract and whether it may be accepted for purposes of export.