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Cantonments Act,2006

Act No : 41

Section : Drainage of undrained premises.

213. Drainage of undrained premises. - (1) Where any premises are in the opinion of the Chief Executive Officer, without sufficient means of effectual drainage and a cantonment drain or some place approved by the Chief Executive Officer for the discharge of filth and other polluted and obnoxious matter is situated at a distance of not exceeding thirty metres from any part of the said premises, he may, by written notice, require the owner of the said premises-(a) to make a drain emptying into such cantonment drain or place;(b) to provide and set up all such appliances and fittings as may appear to the Chief Executive Officer necessary for the purposes of gathering and receiving the filth and other polluted and obnoxious matter from, and conveying the same off, the said premises and of effectually flushing such drain and every fixture connected therewith;(c) to remove any existing drain or other appliance or thing used or intended to be used for drainage which is injurious to health;(d) to provide a closed drain in substitution of an open drain or to provide such other appliance or thing either newly or in substitution of any existing appliance or thing or to provide both a close drain and such other appliance or thing in substitution of the existing open drain and other appliance or thing, which is or is likely to be injurious to health; (e) to provide and set up all such appliances and fitting as may appear to the Chief Executive Officer to be necessary for the purpose of gathering and receiving the waste water from floors and galleries of buildings when they are washed, and conveying the same through spouts, by down-take pipes so as to prevent such waste water from discharging directly on streets or inside any lower portion of the premises;(f) to carry out any work to improve or re-model an existing drain which is inadequate, insufficient or faulty.(2) Where in any case not provided for in sub-section (1) any premises are, in the opinion of the Chief Executive Officer, without sufficient means of effectual drainage, he may, by written notice, require the owner of the premises-(a) to construct a drain up to a point to be prescribed in such notice but not at a distance or more than thirty meters from any part of the premises; or(b) to construct a closed cesspool or soakage pit and drain or drains emptying into such cesspool or soakage pit.(3) Any requisition for the construction of any drain under sub-section (2) may contain any of the details specified in sub-section (1).