Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act,1992
Act No : 41
Section :
Educational and other materials relating to feeding of infants tocontain certain particulars.
7. Educational and other materials relating to feeding of infants to contain certain particulars. (1) Every educational or other material, whether audio or visual, dealing with pre-natal or post- natal care or with the feeding of an infant and intended to reach pregnant women or mothers of infants shall include clear information relating to-- (a) the benefits and superiority of breast-feeding; (b) the preparation for, and the continuance of, breast- feeding; (c) the harmful effects on breast-feeding due to the partial adoption of bottle feeding; 322 (d) the difficulties in reverting to breast-feeding of infants after a period of feeding by infant milk substitute; (e) the financial and social implications in making use of infant milk substitutes and feeding bottles; (f) the health hazards of improper use of infant milk substitutes and feeding bottles; (g) such other matters as may be prescribed. (2) No material referred to in sub-section (1) shall be utilised to promote the use or sale of infant milk substitutes or feeding bottles.