Industries (Development and Regulation) Act,1951
Act No : 65
Section :
Establishment and constitution of Central Advisory Council and itsfunctions.
5. Establishment and constitution of Central Advisory Council and its functions. (1) For the purpose of advising it on matters concerning the development and regulation of scheduled industries, the Central Government may, by notified order, establish a Council to be called the Central Advisory Council. (2) The Advisory Council shall consist of a Chairman and such other members, not exceeding thirty in number, all of whom shall be appointed by the Central Government from among persons who are in its opinion capable of representing the interests of-- (a) owners of industrial undertakings in scheduled industries; (b) persons employed in industrial undertakings in scheduled industries; (c) consumers of goods manufactured or produced by scheduled industries; (d) such other class of persons including primary producers, as in the opinion of the Central Government, ought to be represented on the Advisory Council. (3) The term of office of, the procedure to be followed in the discharge of their functions by, and the manner of filling casual vacancies among members of the Advisory Council, shall be such as may be prescribed. (4) The Central Government shall consult the Advisory Council in regard to-- (a) the making of any rules, other than the first rules to be made under sub-section (3); 1* * * * * and may consult the Advisory Council in regard to any other matter connected with the administration of this Act in respect of which the Central Government may consider it necessary to obtain the advice of the Advisory Council.