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Hindu Gains of Learning Act,1930

Act No : 30

Section : Gains of learning not to be held, not to be separate property ofacquirer merely for certain reasons.

3.Gains of learning not to be held, not to be separate propertyof acquirer merely for certain reasons.-Notwithstanding any custom,rule or interpretation of the Hindu Law, no gains of learning shall beheld not to be the exclusive and separate property of the acquirermerely by reason of-- (a) his learning having been, in whole or in part, imparted to him by any member, living or deceased, of his family, or--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Subs. by Act 48 of 1959, s. 3 and Sch. I, for certain words(w.e.f. 1-2-1960) Extended to and brought into force in Dadra (w.e.f.-1.7.65) byReg. 6 of 1963 ,s.2 and sch I. Extended to the Union territory of pondicherry by Act 26 of1968, s. 3 and Schedule.---------------------------------------------------------------------146 with the aid of the joint funds of his family, or with the aid of the funds of any member thereof, or (b) himself or his family having, while he was acquiring his learning, been maintained or supported, wholly or in part, by the joint funds of his family, or by the funds of any member thereof.

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