Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act,2003
Act No : 34
Section :
Language in which the specified warning shall be expressed.
9. Language in which the specified warning shall be expressed.-(1) Where the language used on a package containing cigarettes and any other tobacco products or on its label is- (a) English, the specified warning shall be expressed in the English language; (b) any Indian language or languages, the specified warning shall be expressed in such Indian language or languages; (c) both English and one or more Indian languages, the specified warning shall be expressed in the English language as well as in such Indian language or languages; (d) partly English and partly any Indian language or languages, the specified warning shall be expressed in the English language as well as in such Indian language or languages; (e) any foreign language, the specified warning shall be expressed in the English language; (f) partly any foreign language and partly English or any Indian language or languages, the specified warning shall be expressed in the English language as well as in such Indian language or languages. (2) No package of cigarettes or any other tobacco products or its label shall contain any matter or statement which is inconsistent with, or detracts from, the specified warning.
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