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Contempt of Courts Act,1971

Act No : 70

Section : Other defences not affected.

8. Other defences not affected. Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed as implying that any other defence which would have been a valid defence in any proceedings for contempt of court has ceased to be available merely by reason of the provisions of this Act.

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Prakash Yedhula wrote on 03 May 2009

Truth of the allegation when the contemner says that he can prove, cannot be put up as a defence in charge for contempt of court.—V.M. Kande v. Madhav Gadkari 1990 CrLJ 190

Prakash Yedhula wrote on 03 May 2009

An intention to interfere with the administration of justice is not an essential ingredient to the offence of contempt of court. It is enough if the action complained of is inherently likely so to interfere.—Pritam Pal v. High Court M.P. AIR 1992 SC 904

Prakash Yedhula wrote on 03 May 2009

While ss. 3 to 7 mentions special acts that are not contempt, s. 8 by implication indicated that the Act is not exhausted as to what is not contempt.—High Court v. T.K. Subamma 1990 Cr LJ 1159