Cantonments Act,2006
Act No : 41
Section :
Penalty for causing nuisances.
289. Penalty for causing nuisances. - (1) Whoever -(a) in any street or other public place within a cantonment,-(i) is drunk and disorderly or drunk and incapable of taking care of himself; or(ii) uses any threatening, abusive or insulting words, or behaves in a threatening or insulting manner with intent to provoke a breach of the peace, or whereby a breach of the peace is likely to be occasioned; or(iii) eases himself, or willfully or indecently exposes his person; or(iv) loiters, or begs importunately, for alms; or(v) exposes or exhibits, with the object of exciting charity, any deformity or disease or any offensive sore or wound; or(vi) carries meat exposed to public view; or(vii) is found gaming; or(viii) pickets animals, or collects vehicles; or (ix) being engaged in the removal of night-soil or other offensive matter or rubbish, willfully or negligently permits any portion thereof to spill or fall, or neglects to sweep away or otherwise effectually to remove any portion thereof which may spill or fall in such street or place; or(x) without proper authority affixes upon any building, monument, post, wall, fence, tree or other thing, any bill, notice or other document; or(xi) without proper authority defaces or writes upon or otherwise marks any building, monument, post, wall, fence, tree or other thing; or(xii) without proper authority removes, destroys, defaces or otherwise obliterates any notice or other document put up or exhibited under this Act; or(xiii) without proper authority displaces, damages, or makes any alteration in, or otherwise interferes with the pavement, gutter, storm water- drain, flags or other materials of any such street, or any lamp, bracket, direction-post, hydrant or water-pipe maintained by the Board in any such street or public place, or extinguishes a public light; or(xiv) carries any corpse not decently covered or without taking due precautions to prevent risk of infection or injury to the public health or annoyance to passers-by or to persons dwelling in the neighbourhood; or(xv) carries night-soil or other offensive matter or rubbish at any hour prohibited by the Chief Executive Officer by public notice, or in any pattern of vehicle or receptacle which has not been approved for the purpose by the Chief Executive Officer, or fails to close such vehicle or receptacle when in use; or(b) carries night-soil or other offensive matter or rubbish along any route in contravention of any prohibition made in this behalf by the Chief Executive Officer by public notice; or(c) deposits, or causes or permits to be deposited, earth or materials of any description, or any offensive matter or rubbish, in any place not intended for the purpose in any street or other public place or waste or unoccupied land under the management of the Board; or(d) having charge of a corpse fails to bury, burn or otherwise lawfully dispose of the same within twenty-four hours after death; or (e) makes any grave or buries or burns any corpse in any place not set apart for such purpose; or(f) keeps or uses, or knowingly permits to be kept or used, any place as a common gaming house, or assists in conducting the business of any common gaming house; or(g) at any time or place at which the same has been prohibited by the Chief Executive Officer by public or special notice, beats a drum or tom-tom, or blows a horn or trumpet, or beats any utensil, or sounds any brass or other instrument, or plays any music; or(h) disturbs the public peace or order by singing, screaming or shouting or by using megaphone or loud-speaker; or(i) lets loose any animal so as to cause, or negligently allows any animal to cause, injury, danger, alarm or annoyance to any person; or(j) being the occupier of any building or land in or upon which an animal dies, neglects within three hours of the death of the animal, or, if the death occurs at night, within three hours after sunrise, either -(i) to report the occurrence to the Chief Executive Officer or to an officer, if any, appointed by him in this behalf with a view to securing the removal and disposal of the carcass by the public conservancy establishment; or(ii) to remove and dispose of the carcass in accordance with any general directions given by the Board by public notice or any special direction given by the Chief Executive Officer on receipt of such report as aforesaid; or(k) save with the written permission of the Chief Executive Officer and in such manner as he may authorise, stores or uses night-soil, manure, rubbish or any other substance emitting an offensive smell; or(l) uses or permits to be used as a latrine any place not intended for the purpose; or (m) uses or permits to be used without previous permission of the Chief Executive Officer any premises for any trade involving offensive smell or smoke; shall be punishable with fine which may extend to two thousand five hundred rupees.(2) Whoever does not take reasonable means to prevent any child under the age of twelve years being in his charge from easing himself in any street or other public place within the cantonment shall be punishable with fine which may extend to two hundred-fifty rupees.(3) The owner or keeper of any animal found picketed or staying without a keeper in a street or other public place in a cantonment shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees.(4) Any animal found picketed or straying as aforesaid may be removed by any officer or employee of the Board to a pound.(5) Whoever in a cantonment manufactures, supplies, carries or uses for packaging or any other purposes material of non-biodegradable nature including polythene bags shall be punished with fine which may extend to five thousand rupees or imprisonment which may extend to six months.
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