Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) Act,1959
Act No : 56
Section :
Power of Central Government to order allocation or adjustment incertain cases.
36. Power of Central Government to order allocation or adjustment in certain cases. Where either Andhra Pradesh or Madras becomes entitled to any property or obtains any benefits or becomes subject to any liability, and the Central Government, on a reference made within a period of three years from the appointed day by either of the States, is of opinion that it is just and equitable that that property or those benefits should be transferred to, or shared with, the other State or that a contribution towards that liability should be made by the other State, the said property or benefits shall be allocated in such manner between the two States, or the other State shall make to the 543 State subject to the liability such contribution in respect thereof, as the Central Government may, after consultation with the two State Governments, by order determine.