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Charitable and Religious Trusts Act,1920

Act No : 14

Section : Power of Courts as to costs in certain suits against trustees ofcharitable and religious trusts.

10. Power of Courts as to costs in certain suits against trusteesof charitable and religious trusts.-(1) In any suit instituted undersection 14 of the Religious Endowments Act, 1863 (20 of 1863), orunder section 92 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908),the Court trying such suit may, if, on application85of the plaintiff and after hearing the defendant and making suchinquiry as it thinks fit, it is satisfied that such an order isnecessary in the public interest, direct the defendant either tofurnish security for any expenditure incurred or likely to be incurredby the plaintiff in instituting and maintaining such suit, or todeposit from any money in his hands as trustee of the trust to whichthe suit relates such sum as such Court considers sufficient to meetsuch expenditure in whole or in part. (2) When any money has been deposited in accordance with an ordermade under sub-section (1), the Court may make over to the plaintiffthe whole or any part of such sum for the conduct of the suit. Beforemaking over any sum to the plaintiff, the Court shall take securityfrom the plaintiff for the refund of the same in the event of suchrefund being subsequently ordered by the Court.

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