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Charitable and Religious Trusts Act,1920

Act No : 14

Section : Power to apply to the Court in respect of trusts of a charitable orreligious nature.

3. Power to apply to the Court in respect of trusts of acharitable or religious nature.-Save as hereinafter provided in thisAct, any person having an interest in any express or constructivetrust created or existing for a public purpose of a charitable orreligious nature may apply by petition to the Court within the locallimits of whose jurisdiction any substantial part of the subject-matter of the trust is situate to obtain an order embodying all or anyof the following directions, namely:- (1) directing the trustee to furnish the petitioner through the Court with particulars as to the nature and objects of the trust, and of the value, condition, management and application of the subject-matter of the trust, and of the income belonging thereto, or as to any of these matters, and (2) directing that the accounts of the trust shall be examined and audited: Provided that no person shall apply for any such direction inrespect of accounts relating to a period more than three years priorto the date of the petition.

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