Cantonments Act,2006
Act No : 41
Section :
Power to make rules regulating elections.
31. Power to make rules regulating elections.- The Central Government may, either generally or specially for any cantonment or group of cantonments, after previous publication, make rules consistent with this Act to regulate all or any of the following matters for the purpose of the holding of elections under this Act, namely:-(a) the division of a cantonment into wards;(b) the determination of the number of members to be elected by each ward;(c) the preparation, revision and final publication of electoral rolls;(d) the reservation of wards for election of the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and women;(e) the registration of electors, the nomination of candidates, the time and manner of holding elections and the method by which votes shall be recorded;(f) the authority which may be an officer of the State Government by which and the manner in which disputes relating to electoral rolls or arising out of elections shall be decided, and the powers and duties of such authority and the circumstances in which such authority may declare a casual vacancy to have been created or any candidate to have been elected;(g) the fee to be paid for admission and consideration of any application relating to election or election disputes;(h) any other matter relating to elections or election disputes in respect of which the Central Government is empowered to make rules under this Chapter or in respect of which this Act makes no provision or makes insufficient provision and provision is, in the opinion of the Central Government, necessary.
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