Army Act,1950
Act No : 46
Section :
Powers of summary courts-martial.
120. Powers of summary courts-martial. (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), a summary court-martial may try any offence punishable under this Act. (2) When there is no grave reason for immediate action and reference can without detriment to discipline be made to the officer empowered to convene a district court-martial or on active service 251 a summary general court-martial for the trial of the alleged offender, an officer holding a summary court-martial shall not try without such reference any offence punishable under any of the sections 34, 37 and 69, or any offence against the officer holding the court. (3) A summary court-martial may try any person subject to this Act and under the command of the officer holding the court, except an officer, junior commissioned officer or warrant officer. (4) A summary court-martial may pass any sentence which may be passed under this Act, except a sentence of death or transportation, or of imprisonment for a term exceeding the limit specified in sub- section (5). (5) The limit referred to in sub-section (4) shall be one year if the officer holding the summary court-martial is of the rank of lieutenantcolonel and upwards, and three months if such officer is below that rank.
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