Converts' Marriage Dissolution Act,1866
Act No : 21
Section :
Procedure when female respondent refuses to cohabit with petitioner.Adjournment for a year. Interview.
15. Procedure when female respondent refuses to cohabit withpetitioner. Adjournment for a year. Interview.-If the respondent be afemale, and in answer to the interrogatories of the Judge orCommissioners, as the case may be, shall refuse to cohabit with thepetitioner, the Judge, if upon consideration of the respondent'sanswers and of the facts which may have been46proved by the petitioner he shall be of opinion that the ground forsuch refusal is the petitioner's change of religion, shall make anorder adjourning the case for a year, and directing that, in theinterim, the parties shall, at such place and time as he shall deemconvenient, have an interview of such length as the Judge shalldirect, and in the presence of such person or persons (who may be afemale or females) as the Judge shall select, with the view ofascertaining whether or not the respondent freely and voluntarilypersists in such refusal.