Cantonments Act,2006
Act No : 41
Section :
Prohibition of certain acts.
232. Prohibition of certain acts. - (1) No person shall-(a) wilfully obstruct any person acting under the authority of the Board, or the Chief Executive Officer, in setting out the lines of any works or pull up or remove any pillar, post or stake fixed in the ground for the purpose of setting out lines of such work, or deface or destroy any works made for the same purpose; or(b) wilfully or negligently break, injure, turn on, open, close, shut off or otherwise interfere with any lock, cock, valve, pipe, meter or other work or apparatus belonging to the Board; or(c) unlawfully obstruct the flow of or flush, draw off, or divert, or take water from any water work belonging to the Board; or(d) unlawfully obstruct the flow of or flush, draw off, or divert, or take sewage from any sewage work belonging to the Board or break or damage any electrical transmission line maintained by the Board; or(e) obstruct any officer or other employee of the Board in the discharge of his duties under this Chapter or refuse or wilfully neglect to furnish him with the means necessary for the making of any entry, inspection, examination or inquiry thereunder in relation to any water or sewage work; or (f) bathe in, at or upon any water work or wash or throw or cause to enter therein any animal, or throw any rubbish, dirt or filth into any water work or wash or clean therein any cloth, wool or leather or the skin of any animal, or cause the water of any sink, or drain or any steam-engine or boiler or any polluted water to turn or be brought into any water work, or do any other act whereby the water in any water work is fouled or likely to be fouled.(2) Nothing in clause (b) of sub-section (1) shall apply to a consumer closing the stopcock fixed on the service pipe supplying water to his premises so long as he has obtained the consent of any other consumer whose supply will be affected thereby.
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