Converts' Marriage Dissolution Act,1866
Act No : 21
Section :
Proof of marriage and desertion or repudiation of petitioner inconsequence of conversion.
21. Proof of marriage and desertion or repudiation of petitionerin consequence of conversion.-At any stage of a suit instituted underthis Act, cohabitation as man and wife shall be sufficient presumptiveevidence of the marriage of the parties, and proof of the respondent'srefusal or voluntary neglect to cohabit with the petitioner, after hisor her change of religion and after knowledge thereof by therespondent, shall be sufficient evidence of the respondent's desertionor repudiation of the petitioner, and shall also be sufficientevidence that such desertion or repudiation was in consequence of thepetitioner's change of religion, unless some other sufficient causefor such desertion or repudiation be proved by the respondent.