Salaries and Allowances of Officers of Parliament Act,1953
Act No : 20
Section :
Residence for officers of parliament.
4. 2[(1)]Residence for officers of parliament. Each officer of Parliament shall be entitled without pay- ment of rent to the use of a furnished residence throughout his term of office and for a period of 3[one month] immediately thereafter, and no charge shall fall on the officer personally in respect of the maintenance of such residence. 4[(2) In the event of the death of an officer of Parliament, his family shall be entitled to the use of the furnished residence occupied by the officer of Parliament- (a) for a period of one month immediately after his death,without payment of rent and no charge shall fall on the family of the officer of Parliament in respect of the maintenance of such residence, and (b) for a further period of one month, on payment of rent at such rates as may be prescribed by rules made in this ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Subs. by Act 22 of 1971, s. 2, for the former section. 2 S. 4 re-numbered as sub-section (1) of that section by Act 49 of 1970, s. 2 (w.e.f. 1.11.1969). 3 Subs. by s. 2, ibid., for "fifteen days" (w.e.f. 1.11.1969). 4 Ins. by s. 2, ibid. (w.e.f. 1.11.1969). 5 Subs. by Act 75 of 1985, s.2 (w.e.f. 26.12. 1985) 6 Ins. by Act 17 of 1990, s.2 (w.e.f. 1.4.1988) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 130 behalf under section 11 and also charges in respect of electricity and water consumed in that residence during such further period.] Explanation.-For the purposes of this section, "residence" includes the staff quarters and other buildings appurtenant thereto and the garden thereof, and " maintenance " in relation to a residence includes the payment of local rates and taxes and the provision of electricity and water.
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