Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act,1954
Act No : 21
Section :
[See sections 3 (d) and 14.]
4*[THE SCHEDULE [See sections 3 (d) and 14.] S.. No. Name of the disease, disorder or condition 1. Appendicitis 2. Arteriosclerosis 3. Blindness 4. Blood poisoning 5. Bright's disease 6. Cancer 7. Cataract 8. Deafness 9. Diabetes 10. Diseases and disorders of the brain 11. Diseases and disorders of the optical system ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Subs by Act 42 of 1963, s. 10, for "disease or condition". 2 The words brackets and figure"sub-section (1) of" omitted by s.10, ibid. 3 Ins. by s. 10, ibid. 4 Ins. by s. 11, ibid. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 106B S. No. Name of the disease, disorder or condition 12. Diseases and disorders of the uterus 13. Disorders, of menstrual flow 14. Disorders of the nervous system 15. Disorders of the prostatic gland 16. Dropsy 17. Epilepsy 18. Female diseases (in general) 19. Fevers (in general) 20. Fits 21. Form and structure of the female bust 22. Gall stones, kidney stones and bladder stones 23. Gangrene 24. Glaucoma 25. Goitre 26. Heart diseases 27. High or low blood pressure 28. Hydrocele 29. Hysteria 30. Infantile paralysis 31. Insanity 32. Leprosy 33. Leucoderma 34. Lockjaw 35. Locomotor ataxia 36. Lupus 37. Nervous debility 38. Obesity 39. Paralysis 40. Plague 41. Pleurisy 42. Pneumonia 43. Rheumatism 44. Ruptures 106c S. No. Name of the disease, disorder or condition 45. Sexual impotence 46. Smallpox 47. Stature of persons 48. Sterility in women 49. Trachoma 50. Tuberculosis 51. Tumours 52. Typhoid fever 53. Ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract 54. Venereal diseases, including syphilis, gonorrhoea, soft chancre, venereal granuloma and lympho granuloma.]