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Cantonments Act,2006

Act No : 41

Section : Supply of water.

191. Supply of water. - (1) Subject to the guidelines made by the Board in this regard, the Chief Executive Officer may permit the owner, lessee or occupier of any building or land to connect the building or land with a source of public water-supply by meansof communication pipes of such size and description as may be specified for the purpose of obtaining water for domestic use.(2) The occupier of every building so connected with the water-supply shall be entitled to have for domestic use, in return for the water tax, if any, such quantity of water as the Chief Executive Officer may determine. (3) All water supplied in excess of the quantity to which such supply is limited under sub-section (2) and, in a cantonment in which a water tax is not imposed, all water supplied under this section, shall be paid for at such rate as the Board may fix keeping in view its financial viability.(4) The supply of water for domestic use shall not be deemed to include anysupply for-(a) animals or for washing vehicles where such animals or vehicle are kept for sale or hire;(b) any trade, manufacture or business;(c) fountains, swimming baths or any ornamental or mechanical purpose;(d) gardens or for purposes of irrigation;(e) making or watering roads or paths; or(f) building purposes.

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