Bengal, Agra and Assam Civil Courts Act,1887
Act No : 12
Section :
Title, extent and commencement.
1. Title, extent and commencement. (1) This Act may be called the Bengal, 2[Agra] and Assam Civil Courts Act, 1887. (2)It extends to the territories 3[which were on the 11th March, 1887,] respectively administered by the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, the Lieutenant-Governor of the North-Western Provinces and the Chief Commissioner of Assam, except such portions of those territories as for the time being are not subject to the ordinary civil jurisdiction of the High Courts 4 * * * ; and ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 This Act has been declared by notification under the Scheduled Districts Act, 1874 (14 of 1874), s. 3, to be in force in the following Scheduled Districts namely:-the districts of Hazaribagh, Ranchi, Palamau and Manbhum, and Parganas Dhalbhum, the Chaibbassa Municipality, and the Porahat Estate in the district of Singhbhum in the Chota Nagpur Division. It has also been declared in force in the Angul District by the Angul Laws Regulation 1936 (5 of 1936), s. 3 and Sch. It is in force in the Sonthal Parganas for certain purposes ; see the Sonthal Parganas Justice Regulation, 1893 (5 of 1893). It has been extended to. the Sambalpur district by the Sambalpur Civil Courts Act, 1906 (Ben. 4 of 1906) ; to the areas transferred to the Province of Orissa from the Madras Presidency and the Central Provinces by the Orissa Laws Regulation, 1936 (1 of 1936), s. 4 ; and to the District of Koraput and certain areas of the Ganjam Agency, by the Koraput and Ganjam Agency Repealing and Extension of Laws Regulation, 1951 (Orissa Regu. 5 of 1951). It has been amended in its application to- West Bengal, by Ben. Act 19 of 1935 and West Ben. Act 59 of 1950; West Bengal Act 16 of 1956. Bihar and Orissa, by B. & O. Act 4 of 1922 ; Agra, by U. P. Acts 5 of 1925 and 4 of 1936 ; and Assam, by Assam Act 6 of 1935. 2 Subs. by Act 16 of 1911, s. 2, for " North-Western Provinces". 3 Subs. by the A. O. 1937 for " for the time being ". 4 The words " and except the Jhansi Division " rep. by Act 20 of 1890, s. 9. Amended in Bihar by Bihar Act 12 of 1960. Amended in Assam by Assam Act 17 of 1974. Amended in West Bengal by W.B. Act 26 of 1969. Amended in Uttar Pradesh by U.P. Act 14 of 1970. Amended in Uttar Pradesh by U.P. Act 57 of 1976. Amended in West Bengal by W.B. Acts 55 & 58 of 1978. Amended in Assam by Assam Act 1 of 1979. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 72 (3) It shall come into force on the first day of July, 1887.
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