Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act,1976
Act No : 19
Section :
Vigilance Committees.
13. Vigilance Committees.- (1) Every State Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, constitute such number of Vigilance Committees in each district and each Sub-Division as it may think fit. (2) Each Vigilance Committee, constituted for a district, shall consist of the following members, namely:-- (a) the District Magistrate, or a person nominated by him, who shall be the Chairman; (b) three persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes and residing in the district, to be nominated by the District Magistrate; (c) two social workers, resident in the district, to be nominated by the District Magistrate; (d) not more than three persons to represent the official or non-official agencies in the district connected with rural development, to be nominated by the State Government; (e) one person to represent the financial and credit institutions in the district, to be nominated by the District Magistrate. (3) Each Vigilance Committee, constituted for a Sub-Division, shall consist of the following members, namely:-- (a) the Sub-Divisional Magistrate, or a person nominated by him, who shall be the Chairman; (b) three persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes and residing in the Sub-Division, to be nominated by the Sub-Divisional Magistrate; (c) two social workers, resident in the Sub-Division, to be nominated by the Sub-Divisional Magistrate; (d) not more than three persons to represent the official or non-official agencies in the Sub-Division connected with rural development to be nominated by the District Magistrate; (e) one person to represent the financial and credit institutions in the Sub-Division, to be nominated by the Sub-Divisional Magistrate; 558 (f) one officer specified under section 10 and functioning in the Sub-Division. (4) Each Vigilance Committee shall regulate its own procedure and secretarial assistance, as may be necessary, shall be provided by-- (a) the District Magistrate, in the case of a Vigilance Committee constituted for the district; (b) the Sub-Divisional Magistrate, in the case of a Vigilance Committee constituted for the Sub-Division. (5) No proceeding of a Vigilance Committee shall be invalid merely by reason of any defect in the constitution, or in the proceedings, of the Vigilance Committee.