Hackney-carriage Act,1879
Act No : 14
Section :
What rules under section 3 may provide for.
6. What rules under section 3 may provide for.--The` rules to be made under section 3 1* * *may, among other matters,- (a)direct that no hackney-carriage, or no hackney- carriage of a particular description, shall be let to hire, or taken to ply, or offered for hire, except under a license granted in that behalf; (b) direct that no person shall act as driver of a hackney-carriage except under a license granted in that behalf; (c)provide for the issue of the licenses referred to in clauses (a) and (b), prescribe the conditions (if any) on which such licenses shall be granted, and fix the fees (if any) to be paid therefore; (d) regulate the description of animals, harness and other things to be used with licensed carriages, and the condition in which such carriages, and the animals, harness and other things used therewith, shall be kept, and the lights (if any) to be carried after sun set and before sunrise; (e)provide for the inspection of the premises on which any such carriages, animals, harness and other, things are kept; (f)fix the time for which such licenses shall continue in force, and the events (if any) upon which within such time they shall be subject to revocation or suspension; (g)provide for the numbering of such carriages; (h)determine the times at which, and the circumstances under which, any person keeping a hackney- carriage shall be bound to let or refuse to let such carriage to any person requiring the same; (i)appoint places as stands for hackney-carriages, and prohibit such carriages waiting for hire except at such places; (j) limit the rates or fares, as well for time as distance, which may be demanded for the hire of any hackney- carriage; and prescribe the minimum speed at which such carriages when hired by time shall be driven; (k) limit the number of persons, and the weight of property, which may be conveyed by any such carriage; (l) require the owner or person in charge of any such carriage to keep a printed list of fares, in English and such other language as may be prescribed, affixed inside such carriage in such place as may be determined by the rules, and prohibit the destruction or defacement of such list; (m)require drivers to wear a numbered badge or ticket, and to produce their licenses when required by a Magistrate or other person authorized by the rules in this, behalf, and prohibit the transfer or lending of such licenses and badges; and (n) provide for the deposit of property found in such carriages, and the payment of a fee by the owner of such property on the delivery thereof to him.