Haryana and Uttar Pradesh (Alteration of Boundaries) Act,1979
Act No : 31
OBJECTS AND REASONS Clause 3 and Schedule.- The inter-State boundary immediately before the transfer of territories would be the deep stream of Yamuna as it would emerge at the end of the rainy season preceding the transfer. Sub-clause (1) seeks to replace the present deep stream boundaries by fixed boundaries as described in the Schedule. The Schedule to the Bill describes the fixed boundary but it has to be actually located on the ground and demarcated after making the necessary survey. Sub-clause (2), therefore, provides for the demarcation being done by an authority appointed by the Central Government. The description of the fixed boundary in the Schedule which follows the Award given by Shri Uma Shankar Dikshit is in terms of 'the present deep stream line" and in terms of inter-village boundaries as ascertained and mapped at the Settlement of Gurgaon district completed in the year 1943. Sub-clause (3) seeks to empower the demarcating authority to interpret and take into account the relevant records. This sub-clause also seeks to confer necessary powers on the demarcating authority to conduct survey in the area concerned and to determine the points at which the boundary pillars shall be located and the State which shall be responsible for the construction and maintenance of each such pillar. As stated above, the village boundaries mentioned in the Schedule relate to the year 1943. Since then on account of change in the course of Yamuna and consequent transfer of land from one State to another, the village boundaries have undergone change. Sub-clause (4), therefore, provides for the preparation of maps showing the "present deep stream line"; the fixed boundary in relation thereto and the names and boundaries of villages as they exist at the time of their preparation; and for authenticated copies of such maps being sent to the Central Government and lo the Governments of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.-S.O.R.OBJECTS AND REASONS Clause 4.- Sub-clause (1) provides for the transfer to the State of Haryana of the territories of the State of Uttar Pradesh lying on the Haryana side of the fixed boundary and for the transfer to the State of Uttar Pradesh of the territories of the State of Haryana lying on the Uttar Pradesh side of the fixed boundary. Sub-clause (2) provides for the issue of notified orders by the two State Governments providing for the administration of the transferred territories by including them or any part of them in such district, sub-division, police station or other administrative unit as may be specified in the orders.-S.O.R.OBJECTS AND REASONS Clause 15. This clause seeks to make consequential amendments in the First Schedule to the Constitution.- S.O.R.