Cantonments Act,1924
Act No : 2
(Seesection 274)1 2 3 4 5 S. Section Executive Order Appellate Authority Time allowed for No. appeal 1 126 Notice to remove, Officer Commanding-in- Thirty days from repair protect or Chief,the Command or service of notice. enclose a buildi- other authority auth- ng, wall or anyt- orisedin this behalf hing affixed the- by the Central Gover- reto or well,ta- nment. nk, reservoir, pool depression or excavation. 2 134 Notice to fill up Officer Commanding- Thirty days from ser- well, tank,etc.or in Chief, the Comm- vice of notice. to drain off or r- and, or other autho- emove water. rity authorised in this behalf by the Central Government. 3 135 Notice requiring the Board Fifteen days from ser- owner to provide lat- vice of notice. rine, urinal, cess pool, dust-bin or other receptacle. 4 136 Notice requiring pr- Board Fifteen days from ser- ovision of sanitary vice of notice. facilities in market, school, theatre or other place of pub- lic resort. 5 138 Notice for-removal Officer Commanding- Thirty days from ser- of congested buil- in-Chief, the Comm- vice of notice. ding. and Or other author- ity authorised in this behalf by the Central Government. 6 140 Notice requiring a Officer Commanding- Thirty days from ser- building to be rep- in Chief,the Comm- vice of notice. aired or altered so and or other auth- as to remove sanit- ority authorised ary defects. in this behalf by the Central Gover- nment. 7 142 Notice prohibiting Officer Commanding Thirty-one days from owner or occupier in-Chief, the Com- servise of notice. to use a building mand or other aut- or part of.a buil- hority authorised ding for human ha- in this behalf by bitation. the Central Gover- nment. 8 176 Order directing a Officer Commanding Thirty days from ser- perso to remove in Chief, the Com- vice of notice. from the cantonme- mand or other auth- nt and prohibiting ority authorised him from re-enter- in this behalf by ing it without the Central Gover- permission. nment. 9 181 (a) Refusal to sanc- Board. Thirty days from ser- tion the erection vice of notice. or re-erection of a building in a civil area. (b) Refusal to sanc- Officer Commaading- Thirty days from ser- tion the erection in-Chief, the Command vice of communi- or re-erection of or other authority cation a building in a authorised in this be- cantonment (other half by the central Gov- than a civl area). ernment. 10 185 (a) Notice to stop Board. Twenty-one days from erection or re-er- service of notice. ection of or to al- ter or demolish, a building in a civil area. (b) Notice to stop Officer Commanding- Thirty days from ser- erection or re-er- in-Chief, the Comm- vice of notice. ection of, or to and or other autho- alter or demolish rity authorised in a building in a this behalf by the cantonment (other Central Government. than a civil area). 11 187 Notice requiring the Officer Commanding- Thirty days from ser- owner or occupier in-Chief, the Comm- vice of notice. to alter or remove and,or other autho- any projection or rity authorised in encroachment. this behalf by the Central Government. 12 188 Notice to pull down Officer Commanding- Thirty days from ser- or otherwise deal in-Chief, the Comm- vice of notice. with a building newly and,or other autho- erected or rebuilt rity authorised in without permission this behalf by the over a sewer, drain, Central Government. culvert water course or waterpipe. 13 206 Notice prohibiting Officer Commanding- Thirty-one days from ser- or restricting the in-Chief, the Comm- from service of notice. use of a slau" and,or other autho- ghter-house. rity authorised in this behalf by the Central Government. 14 219 Notice requiring Borad. Fifteen days from maintenance or service of notice. closing of private source of public drinking water supply. 15 221 Notice requiring the Board. Fifteen days from owner, lessee or occ- service of notice. upier of a building or land to obtain water from a source of public water supply. 16 224 Notice for cutting Board. Fifteen days from off the connection service of notice. between any source of public watersup- ply and any buildi- ng or land to which water is supplied. 17 238 Notice directing diso- District Magistrate. Thirty days from ser- rderly person to remove vice of notice. from cantonment and prohibiting him from re-entering it without permission.
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