National Capital Region Planning Board Act,1985
Act No : 2
(1) The Central Government shall by notification in the Official Gazette, constitute for the purposes of this Act. a Board, to be called the National Capital Region Planning Board.
(2) The Board shall be a body corporate by the name aforesaid, having perpetual succession and a common seal with power subject to the provisions of this Act, to contract and shall, by the said name, sue and be sued.
(3) The Board shall consist of such number of members, not exceeding twenty one as may be prescribed, and unless the rules made in this behalf otherwise provide, the Board shall consist of the following members, namely :-
(a) the Union Minister for Work and Housing, who shall be the Chairman of the Board;
(b) the Chief Minister of the State of Haryana:
(c) the Chief Minister of the State of Rajasthan;
(d) the Chief Minister of the State of Uttar Pradesh;
(e) the Administrator of the Union territory;
(f) eight members, to be nominated by the Central Government, on the recommendation of the participating States and the Administrator of the Union territory; Provided that not more than two members shall be nominated on the recommendation of a participating State, or. as the case may be, the Administrator of the Union territory;
(g) three other members, of whom one shall be a person having knowledge and experience in town planning to be nominated by the Central Government;
(h) a full time Member-Secretary of the Board to be nominated by the Central Government from amongst officers of. or above, the rank of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India: Provided that no change shall be made in the composition of the Board by rules except with the consent of the Government of each of the participating States and of the Administrator of the Union territory.
(4) The terms and conditions of office of the members nominated under clause (f), clause (g) or clause (h) of sub-section (3) shall be such as may be prescribed.
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