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Bureau of Indian Standards Act,1986

Act No : 63


63 of 1986

23rd December, 1986

The Indian Standards Institution was registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act; 1860in January, 1947 to prepare and promote standards. The Indian Standards Institution (Certification Marks) Act, 1952covers the operation of the certification marks scheme, while the formulation of standards and other related work is not governed by any legislation.

2. When the Indian Standards Institution was established, the industrial development in the country was still in its infancy. During the last 39 years, there has been substantial progress in various sectors of the Indian economy. The industrial and agricultural sectors have undergone structural and qualitative transformation under the Five Year Plans. In this context, a new thrust has io be given to standardisation and quality control. A national strategy for according appropriate recognition and importance of standards is to be evolved and integrated with the growth and development of production and exports in various sectors of the national economy. The public sector and private sectors including small scale industries have to intensify efforts to produce more and more standard and quality goods so as to help in inducing faster growth, increasing exports and making available goods to the satisfaction of the consumers.

3. The organisations for formulating standards have to be given due recognition and status to enable it to discharge its functions effectively and efficiently in the acceptance and promotion of Indian Standards not only in this country but even abroad. Apart from the representations of the industry, such an organisation should also have adequate representation for users and consumer organisations. Central and State Governments, research organisations and regulatory agencies. For all these reasons, it is considered necessary to have the organisation for standards as a statutory institution which will have adequate autonomy and flexibility in its operations and will also ensure that priority is given to various aspects of its functions in line with national priorities.

4. To achieve these objectives, it is proposed to set up a Bureau of Indian Standards as a stautory institution.

5. The Bill provides that the Bureau of Indian Standards will be a body corporate and specifies its composition and the constitution of an Executive Committee to carry on the day to day activities of the Bureau. The proposed Bureau will take over the staff. assets and liabilities of the Indian Standards Institution and perform all functions which are now being performed by the Indian Standards Institution. The Bill will provide access to the Bureau's Standards and Certification Marks to suppliers of like products originating in General Agreement on Trade and Tariff (GATT) code countries.

The Bill also makes provision for the making of grants and the advancing of loans to the Bureau by the Central Government and the necessary provisions lord the better administration of a body corporate like constitution of fund. accounts and audit, etc. The Bill provides to the repeal of the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks) Act, 1952.- Gaz. Of Ind.. 24.11-1986, Pi. II. S. :. F.xt.. p. 20 (No. 52).

An Act to provide for the establishment of a Burean for the harmonious development of the activities of standardisation, marking and quality certification of goods and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

BE it enacted by Parliament in the Thirty seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows :-