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Waste-Lands (Claims) Act,1863

Act No : 23



The Court shall fix a day for the appearance of the parties, and for the hearing of the suit, of which due notice shall be given to the parties or their agents; and on the day so fixed, the parties or their agents shall bring their witnesses into Court, together with any documents on which they may intend to rely in support of their respective statements.

(1)Procuring attendance of witnesses. If either party require the assistance of the Court to procure the attendance of a witness on such day, he shall apply to the Court in sufficient time before the day fixed for the hearing of the suit; and the Court shall issue a subpoena requiring such witness to attend the Court on that day.

(2)Power to require attendance of claimant. It shall be competent to the Court to require the person attendance of the claimant of the waste land, or objector, as aforesaid, on the day fixed for the hearing, or at any subsequent stage of the suit.

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