Cantonments Act,1924
Act No : 2
- The following officers shall for the purposes of sanitation, have control over and be responsible for maintaining in a sanitary condition, those parts of a cantonment, respectively, which are specified in the case of each, that is to say :-
a[(a) the Officer Commanding the army in the cantonment - all buildings and lands which are occupied or used for air force purposes;
(b) the Officer Commanding the navy in the cantonment - all buildings and lands which are occupied or used for naval purposes.
(c) the Officer Commanding the station in the cantonment - all buildings and lands Which are occupied or used for air force purposes;
(d) the Officer Commanding the station in the Command - .all buildings and lands occupied or used for any defence purpose, other than those referred to in clauses (a), (b) and (c);
(e) the head of any civil department or railway administration occupying as such any part of the cantonment - all buildings and lands in his charge as head of that department or administration.] Act 15 of 1983, Clause 82.- Besides carrying out amendments insection 128of the Act consequent on the inclusion of naval station insection 3(vide clause 3), the area of responsibility in respect of various authorities in a cantonment in the matter of sanitation is proposed to be clearly defined. -Gaz. of Ind., 9- 7-1982, Pt. II, S. 2, Ext., p. 53 (No. 26).
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