National Dairy Development Board Act,1987
Act No : 37
37 of 1987
15th November, 1987
The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) was set up in 1965 by the Government of India as a registered society with the primary objective for providing technical services to implementing agencies in building up their dairy projects on co-operative lines on the pattern of the Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Limited Anand, popularly known as the 'Anand pattern'. The National Dairy Development Board has since been progressively playing a wider role together with the Indian Dairy Corporation which is a company formed in 1970 to give supportive assistance in the implementation of the Operation Flood Programms.
2. The Central Government had appointed a Committee.- Commonly known as the Jha Committee which had recommended the formation of a body corporate to perform the functions of both these institutions taking case to ensure that the autonomy and freedom and flexibility presently enjoyed by the National Dairy Development Board is not adversely affected thereby.
3. To achieve the above, it is proposed to declare the National Dairy Development Board as an institution of national importance and incorporate it as a statutory body with the enlargement of functions of the National Dairy Development Board over the years, it is felt that the functions of both the institutions can henceforth be performed by the corporate body and as such it is proposed to vest the undertakings of the Indian Dairy Corporation in the body corporate and dissolve the Indian Dairy Corporation.
4. The name of the National Dairy Development Board is retained for the corporate body so that there may be a continuity in reputation and understanding both in India and abroad. Provisions have been included in the Bill to ensure that the body corporate is able to carry on all the functions that they are discharging at present and play an enlarged and vital role with regard to milk, milk products and other commodities with which it is concerned or in respect of which the Government deems it necessary to involve them,
5. The Bill also makes provision for better administration of the body corporate including the Constitution of the fund, provisions for accounts, audit, etc.
6. The Notes on clauses explain in detail the provisions of the Bill.
7. The Bill seeks to achieve the above objectives, -Gaz. of Ind., 21-8-1987, Pt. II, S. 2, Ext" p. 91 (No. 37).
An Act to declare the institution known as the National Dairy Development Board in the State of Gujarat to be an institution of national importance and for the vesting in that body corporate of the undertakings of the Indian Dairy Corporation with a view to provide for the administration and the carrying on of the functions to be performed by the body corporate more effectively throughout the country and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.
Whereas the National Dairy Development Board, a society formed and registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860has been serving the country by the adoption of a co-operative strategy, being a strategy evolved at Anand (Gujarat), for the economic development of the rural masses and has been playing a vital role in improving the quality of life of the people through co- operative effort;
And whereas the objects of the National Dairy Development Board are such as to make it an institution of national importance and to constitute it as a body corporate :
And whereas the functions of the Indian Dairy Corporation, a company formed and registered under theCompanies Act, 1956, and the functions of the National Dairy Development Board are complementary to each other and aimed at achieving common objectives:
And whereas it is necessary that the freedom and flexibility of operation hitherto available to the National Dairy Development Board should continue to be available to it so as to enable it to perform its functions more effectively and to play a wider and increasingly important role in serving the nation;
And whereas it is considered necessary to vest the undertakings of the Indian Dairy Corporation in the National Dairy Development Board and to dissolve the said Corporation with a view to provide for the administration and the carrying on of the functions to be performed by the body corporate more eftectively.
Be it enacted by Parliament in the Thirty-eighth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
(1) This Act may be called the National Dairy Development Board Act, 1987.
(2) It shall come into force on such datea as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint.