Guardians and Wards Act,1890
Act No : 8
Section : Simultaneous proceedings in different Courts
14. Simultaneous proceedings in different Courts.-(1) Ifproceedings for the appointment or declaration of a guardian of aminor are taken in more Courts than one, each of those Courts shall,on being apprised of the proceedings in the other Court or Courts,stay the proceedings before itself. (2) If the Courts are both or all subordinate to the same HIghCourt, they shall report the case to the High Court, and the HighCourt shall determine in which of the Courts the proceedings withrespect to the appointment or declaration of a guardian of the minorshall be had. 1*[(3) In any other case in which proceedings are stayed undersub-section (1), the Courts shall report the case to, and be guided bysuch orders as they may receive from, their respective StateGovernments.]
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