Cantonments Act,1924
Act No : 2
(1) If, in the opinion of thec[Central Government], any Board is not competent to perform or persistently makes default in the performance of the duties imposed on it by or under this Act or otherwise by law, or exceeds or abuses its powers, thec[Central Government] maya[* * *] by any order published, together with the statement of the reasons therefor, in thec[Official Gazette], declare the Board to be incompetent or in default or to have exceeded or abused its powers, as the case may be and suspersede it for such period as may be specified in the order: Provided that no Board shall be superseded unless a reasonable opportunity has been given to it to show cause against the supersession.
(2) When a Board is superseded by an order under sub-section (1),- (a) all members of the Board shall on such date as may be specified in the order, vacate their offices as such members but without prejudice to their eligibility for election or nomination under clause (c); (b) during the supersession of the Board all powers and duties conferred and imposed upon the Board by or under this Act or otherwise by law shall be exercised and performed by theb[Officer Commanding the station] subject to such reservation, if any, as thec[Central Government] may prescribe in this behalf; and (c) before the expiry of the period of supersession elections shall be held and nominations made for the purpose of reconstituting the Board.
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